Advantages and disadvantages of large machined CNC parts

CNC machining is that the computer designs the NC program according to the appearance structure and material characteristics on the product drawings, and obtains the parts that meet the size requirements of the drawings by milling the rough embryos with fine CNC machine tools.

CNC machining of large parts is that the computer designs the NC program according to the appearance structure and material characteristics on the product drawings, and obtains the parts that meet the size requirements of the drawings by milling the rough embryos with fine CNC machine tools.

Advantages of CNC machining:

. CNC can automatically process

CNC machining of large parts usually refers to precision machining controlled by computer. Therefore, it can be controlled by the program command of the NC machine tool, and the whole processing process is automatically carried out according to the program command. The high degree of automation of machine tools greatly reduces the labor intensity of workers.

At present, many CNC machine tools can operate unattended throughout the processing cycle, allowing operators to spare time for other tasks. This brings some side benefits to CNC users, including reducing operator fatigue, reducing errors caused by human errors, and consistent and predictable processing times for each workpiece. 

High CNC machining accuracy

The second advantage of CNC technology is the consistency and accuracy of the workpiece. The typical accuracy of CNC machine tools today has reached two thousandths of an inch to four inches or 0.05 to 0.10 mm, and the repetitive accuracy is close to or better than eight thousandths of an inch or 0.02 mm. This means that once the program has been validated, it can easily produce two, ten or 1000 identical parts with the same accuracy and consistency. Batch production can be realized, and the product quality is easy to control.

CNC processing flexibility

Because these machines are run by computer programs, running different artifacts is as simple as loading different programs. to

This also brings another benefit, namely fast conversion. Because these machines are very easy to set up and run, and can easily load programs, their setup time is very short.

 High CNC machining efficiency

CNC machining can carry out multi coordinate linkage, and can process complex zero points. When the shape and size of the parts need to be changed, only the NC program needs to be changed, which saves production preparation time.

It can process complex profiles that are difficult to process by conventional methods, and even some unobservable processing parts.

In the case of multiple varieties and small batch production, the production efficiency is higher, which can reduce the time for production preparation, machine tool adjustment and process inspection. The cutting time is reduced due to the use of the best cutting amount.

CNC machining also has some disadvantages

1. High technical requirements for operators and machine maintenance personnel

2. CNC processing route is not easy to control and is not as intuitive as ordinary machine tools.

3. The purchase cost of machine tools and equipment is expensive.

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