The causes of CNC precision parts distortion are explained in V1machining

The causes of CNC precision parts distortion are explained in V1machining

In CNC precision parts machining work, inattentiveness can easily lead to problems, problems will directly affect the quality of the product, so in order to avoid these things happen, then in the production of attention, the following Langga precision to say what are the causes of deformation in CNC precision parts machining?

First of all, let's talk about the causes of spring deformation in CNC precision parts machining due to external forces

1, is the unevenness of the lathe and fixture, so that the parts in the stop fixed on both sides of the force is not even, resulting in cutting the force effect of the small side in the force of the effect will present a translation presented parts deformation.

2, the presence of cutting force is also one of the causes of elastic deformation, these different causes of elastic deformation, are clarified the effect of external forces on the quality of machining of mechanical parts.

3, is the internal structure of some parts, assuming that contains a thin sheet, there will be a higher request for operating methods, otherwise in the operator in the parts to stop positioning and clamping, can not and drawings of the planning between the stop correspondence, simple incurrence of elastic deformation.

CNC precision parts processing

4, is the positioning of the parts in the processing process is not reasonable, so that the rigid strength of the parts is reduced.

5, heat treatment processing after the simple generation of deformation problems

On the sheet type of mechanical parts, due to its long diameter is very large, in its cessation of thermal treatment after the simple presentation of straw hat meandering situation. On the one hand, it will show the phenomenon of bulging in the middle, the plane offset will increase, on the other hand, due to the influence of various external elements, the parts will have the phenomenon of tortuous… These deformation problems are not only due to changes in the internal stress of the part after heat treatment, but also to the lack of solid technical knowledge of the operator to understand the structural stability of the part, which in turn increases the probability of deformation of the part.

Processing must pay attention to some follow the above precautions, because in the work, inattentiveness can easily lead to problems, problems will directly affect the quality of the product, so in order to avoid these things happen, then pay attention to the time of production, such as the emergence of problems must certainly be timely solution.